New old stock United Electronics 355A vacuum tube. Large globe-style thyrotron triode (mercury-vapor & argon fill) used for controlled rectification, etc. Design by Western Electric. Original shipping box was unsealed for photos, tube will be shipped in it. Made in USA for US Navy. Shipping can be combined with my other tubes, sockets, and parts for sale on my ebay store, $0.50 for each additional miniature, $1 for each additional octal. Add to cart then request total. New Old Stock (NOS) tubes come in original boxes unless otherwise mentioned. Sometimes box styles will vary. Box may have suffered shelf wear, tabs may be torn, may have price stickers or other writing. Unless otherwise mentioned, I have not tested the NOS tube but will refund or replace tubes that do not meet original specifications. . Mixed type quantity discounts available for most vacuum tubes, add all items to cart and pay together. Due to mercury content, NO INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING, ground only.